Monday, April 20, 2009

The Jesus Insurgency

“When groups of seemingly disparate people defect and band together in the way of Jesus, they form what we might call unterror cells. They secretly plot detonations of hope. They quietly conspire to set off explosions of spontaneous kindness. They plan gentle coup d'etats to replace regimes of domination and oppression with movements of empowerment and service. In a complete overthrow of violent terrorism, they fly airplanes of generosity into towers of need and plant improvised encouragement devises by roadsides and in neighborhoods everywhere, seeking God's kingdom and God's equity.” - Everything Must Change – Brian McLaren pg 130

This is probably the most vivid, current and poignant way to connect the teachings of Jesus to today I have ever encountered. As you re-read the above quote, keep in the forefront of your mind the effect of those terrorist acts that are represented. Think about how those acts made you feel. Think about the sadness and anger you felt. Then, transfer those same emotions into the response that McLaren suggests would be the way Jesus would probably re-focus our attention today. This is essentially the same thing as Jesus suggesting to the fellow Jews of his day when He asked them to “pick up your cross and follow me”. The cross was, before His death on it, an instrument of terror. If we internalize the ideas, brilliantly expressed by McLaren, we can revolutionize our churches, communities, schools, governments, environment … the world. Isn't that what Jesus called us to do? Join the insurgency.

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