Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Church

The church cannot just become a place where we go once a week, wear our nice cloths, smile when we feel like crying, sing songs of life as though they were death dirges, listen to a professional theologian and then go home to repeat until dead. God had a better idea.

The church is not a place where we go. If you are a partner in God's dream for Shalom, a world whole and complete. If the message of Jesus harmonizes with your soul. If His death on the cross and sacrifice inspires you to follow Him and do the same. If His spirit lives within you and directs you in the path to Shalom. If the power that raised Christ from the dead empowers you to walk those paths to Shalom. Then, my friend ... you are the church. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

The church is evidenced by its product. Does your life produce fruit that is consistent with the spirit of God and the life of Jesus? Does your life look like Jesus' life. The spirit that dwells within you is the spirit of Jesus. If it is there, your life will look more and more like His. The power within you will make it possible for you to over come the brokenness of this world. The power and the spirit that dwells within you will light up the darkness, will warm the cold, vanquish evil with good and apply a healing balm to this broken and hurting world.

The church must be a movement where people who know and love Jesus endeavor to follow Him and do what He did.

The church must be a force for good and love in a dying and evil world. It must be a light on a hill side a banner for hope.

The church is not a place where you go. The church is how you live, love and link together with other churches. The church is not a place to go it is rather something to be.

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