Paradox - A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true
In Rick Warren’s best selling book “The Purpose Driven Life” the first sentence in the book reads: “It’s not about you.”. And although I believe this to be true to an extent, I believe that at a profound level that indeed it is ALL about you. God created you for a purpose. Your ultimate purpose in life is to glorify God. I take this to mean that He wants to determine if you will choose to pursue Him and His ways or your own selfish pursuits. So, in that light, it is in fact all about you. What will you do? So what was Rick Warren talking about?
When you step on the path to pursue God, you will find out soon enough that He wants you to love others and that He equates this to loving Him. He wants you to think of them as better than yourself. He wants you to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, care for the sick, and seek justice for the oppressed and the marginalized. He wants you to give to the poor and be father to the fatherless. To sum it all up, He wants us to lay our lives down to save others in the same way that Jesus did. When you are in pursuit of God, this is what He calls us to. In this respect it is about others and not about you, but to get there you must FIRST deny yourself, pick up your cross and walk in Jesus’ footsteps. On the road to the cross your first battle is with yourself. You must fight your own will that wants to live for self. This is not a battle fought once and for all. It is a battle that will continue until the Day of Judgment. In order to have fruit in your life, you must win this battle with self daily, hourly and every second. Until you can win there, you cannot serve others. If you cannot serve others you cannot please God. Therefore, it is ALL about you. Paradoxes are cool.
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